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Employee Services>
Classified Seniority
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Employee Services

Classified Seniority List

A. Selecting the Sort Type
Employee Services > Classified Seniority List - provides a list of classified employees and their classification, seniority, job code, title and department.

You must first click the down arrow and select the Sort Type (By Name or By Job Classification), and then click the Submit button.

classified senority list

B. Seniority List by Name
When you select Seniority List By Name, the following screen appears:

classified seniority list

C. Seniority List by Job Classification
When you select Seniority List By Job Classification, the following screen appears:


Either list displays the following information:

  • Employee's Name

  • Employee's Classification
    • C1 - Full time employees
    • C2 - Part time employees (less than full-time, and more than half-time)

  • Employee's Seniority - # of full time (or equivalent) months of employment at LCC

  • Employee's Job Classification

  • Employee's Job Title

  • Employee's Department

The Seniority List By Job Classification indicates where you are in seniority relative to other people in your Job Classification.

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