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Faculty & Advisor Services >

Final Grades

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[ Entering Grades | Changing Grades |
Confirmation of Grade Submission ]

A. Accessing the Final Grade Worksheet
The Final Grades web page allows you to enter the final grades for students in your course. However, you will first need to select the Term and CRN for the course if you have not already done so.

See information about the links on the Final Grades screen below this image.

final grades

IMPORTANT: Note the time limit warning on this page. Although set to 45 minutes in this illustration, the actual time is still under discussion. The time you logged on is given in the top right corner. After too many minutes of inactivity, you are returned to the User Login page, so submit the grades often.

submit grades

Information about the course appears above the list of student names. (Click the Course Name/Number link for more information about the course.)

Student names are listed in alphabetical order, with a sequential number before each name, with a link to their contact information. Each student’s record shows the number of credits for which he or she is registered.

Instructors are not able to change the number of credits. Students may do this individually as long as the course registration is open.

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B. Entering Grades

Select Grade - For each student, click the drop-down arrow in the Grades column and choose the applicable grade from the list.

Click here for a list of Grade Definitions.

grade definitions

Grades can be entered individually. You are not required to enter grades for the entire class at the same time. You can change the grades for students on this screen until the grades are administratively rolled into the permanent record, which will happen each night during the grading period.

NOTE: Do not leave any grades blank - you must enter a grade for every student.
Last Date Attended - if the grade is F or NC, type the Last Date Attended in this format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Attend hours - ignore this field unless you have been instructed by your department to include this information.

NOTE: If you want to confirm that the grades were saved (prior to submitting them) just exit/reopen or refresh the Final Grades worksheet for the class. If the grades are still there, then they were saved to the server.

Submit - after you enter grades and other appropriate information, clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the screen saves and submits your grades, even when an alert message (indicated by a yellow triangle or circle) is displayed.

NOTE: When you submit the grades, ignore any message that a student has not withdrawn, which is connected with the Last Date Attended field.

Reset - do not click the Reset button at the bottom of the worksheet unless you want to empty ALL the grades and start with a blank worksheet. If you reset your worksheet by mistake, exit the worksheet without submitting.

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C. Changing Grades

You can reenter the grading worksheet and change a student's grade until it is posted the next morning.

Once the grade has been posted to academic history, however, it cannot be changed by you on the web. For information on how to change a grade after the posting, see the Grade Change Procedure.

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D. Confirmation of Grade Submission

After you have submitted the grades, you will see a message stating "The changes you made were saved successfully."

When the grades have been rolled, the screen will look like this. Grades cannot be changed at this point.

Students will be able to see their grades as soon as they have been posted by Enrollment Services the following morning. Grades will show after each part of term session is completed rather than all at the end of the term.

final grades

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