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Faculty & Advisor Services

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A. Steps to Logging into the LANE Database and Faculty/Advisor Web pages
        (For more information about each of these steps, see ExpressLane Login and Navigation.)
  1. Access the ExpressLane Web page
  2. Click the ExpressLane/Banner for Staff link
  3. Log into the LANE Database
NOTE: There is a time-out limit on some Faculty ExpressLane pages. As a security measure, the browser will automatically log the user off after the stated number of minutes of inactivity.

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B. Accessing Faculty & Advisor Services
Once you have logged into ExpressLane, you will see some or all of the following choices:

faculty advisor services menu

Click the Faculty/Advisor Services link.

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C. Faculty & Advisor Services Menu
When you click the Faculty/Advisor Services link shown in the above screen, it will take you to the Faculty & Advisors - Main Menu shown below.

Information about each of the menu items can be found below.

facult and advisors

The Faculty & Advisor Services menu provides links to the functions available to faculty members and advisors on the Web. The flow charts below illustrate the relationships between sections of the Faculty & Advisor Services module.

menu diagram

Click the links below to learn how to use the Faculty & Advisor services.

  • Term Selection - this is needed in order to access the following web pages:

    CRN number
    Faculty Detail Schedule
    Week at a Glance
    Class List
    Detail Wait List
    Summary Wait List
    Final Grades
    Student Information Menu
    Office Hours

  • CRN Selection - this is required for the following menu items:

    Class List
    Detail Wait List
    Summary Wait List
    Final Grades

  • Faculty Detail Class Schedule - opens a screen listing information about all classes being taught by the faculty member that term.
  • Week at a Glance - displays the faculty member's class schedule in calendar form
  • Class List - displays a list of the students enrolled in a specific class
  • Detail Wait List - displays information about a specific class and lists students on the Wait List for that class and enrollment information about them
  • Summary Wait List - displays the number of students on the Wait List. It includes the dates students were wait listed and their order of registration.
  • Final Grades - displays a screen that allows you to enter the final grades for students in a specific course.
  • Student Information - displays a menu of options for accessing information of students enrolled during specific terms
  • Active Assignments - displays the faculty member's courses for the current term that have active students (not rolled over to Academic History)
  • Assignment_History - displays a list of courses that the faculty member has taught over time
  • Office Hours - displays the faculty member's office hours for the current term
  • Professional Development Expense Summary - displays Professional Development Expenses and Remaining Funds available if the faculty member is eligible for these funds.

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