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Employee Services > Benefits and Deductions >

Health Insurance

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[ History | Contributions and Deductions | Vendor's Web Sites | Add Coverage ]

A. Health Insurance - Current Coverage

The Health Insurance web page displays your current health insurance coverage.
health insurance

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B. Health Insurance - History
The History link under any of the insurance coverage sections will take you to a screen like the one below that lists the history for that particular type of coverage.

You can select the range of months that you want to review by clicking the down arrows to the right of the months and years towards the bottom of the screen, and then click the Display button.

lcc insurance plan

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C. Health Insurance - Contributions and Deductions
The Contributions and Deductions link under any of the insurance coverage sections will take you to a screen like the one below that lists the personal deductions and employer contributions for that particular type of insurance.

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D. Health Insurance - Vendor's Web sites
Vendors for each Health Plan can be accessed by clicking the Vendor Site link below each Plan in the list shown in #A above. At these sites, you can obtain more information about the particular plan, and also access Customer Service.

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E. Health Insurance - Add Coverage
The Add a New Benefit or Deduction button will take you to the screen shown below:

LCC does not have Open Enrollment on their Health Insurance Plans, so this service is not available at this time.

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