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Spring 2023
Feb 16,2025
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MTH 105 - Math in Society
Prerequisite: MTH 095, MTH 098, or equivalent course completed with a grade of "C-" or better within the past two years or placement by the College’s Math Placement Process. MTH 105, 106, and 107 are a three-course sequence but may be taken in any order. MTH 105 is a survey of mathematical topics and applications of those topics for non-science majors including financial math, probability, statistics, and can include other topics approved by the Mathematics Department such as logic, sets, voting methods, and apportionment.
4.000 Credit hours
40.000 TO 48.000 Lecture hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Credit
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Tuition, Science/Math/Computer Science

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