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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2024
Mar 31,2025
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CJA 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
An introductory overview of the U.S. criminal justice system through an examination of its historical origins and development, structure, processes, and functions. Examines law enforcement, the courts, and corrections as distinct but complementary components of the system and places the system within the larger context of legal and social philosophy. Topics include an introduction to the concepts and primary theories of criminology, the U.S. Constitution, substantive and procedural criminal law, justice administration, juvenile justice, ethics, and issues of gender and cultural diversity. Explores educational and career opportunities.
4.000 Credit hours
40.000 TO 48.000 Lecture hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Credit
Schedule Types: Lecture

Social Science Division
Social Science Department

Course Attributes:
Tuition, Social Science

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     
      Skills Development
May not be enrolled in one of the following Colleges:     
      College Now

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Release: 8.5.4