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Detailed Course Information


Spring 2024
Mar 11,2025
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MTH 265 - Statistics for Scientists and Engineers
Prerequisite: MTH 252 completed with a grade of "C-" or better within the past five years. A calculus-based introduction to probability and statistics with applications to science and engineering disciplines. Topics include: data description and analysis, random variables, expectation, discrete and continuous probability theory, common probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, control charts, regression analysis, and experimental design. This course satisfies the OSU requirement of ST 314 for engineering programs.
4.000 Credit hours
40.000 TO 48.000 Lecture hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Credit
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Tuition, Science/Math/Computer Science

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     
      Skills Development
May not be enrolled in one of the following Colleges:     
      College Now


General Requirements:
Course or Test: MTH 252 to 261
May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MTH 252Z to 253Z
May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: TEST 5M52 to 5M54
May be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: TEST 5M61
May be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MTH 265
Minimum Grade of C-
May not be taken concurrently. )

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