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Detailed Course Information


Spring 2023
Feb 07,2025
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CS 175 - Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
Students will learn the basics of SQL querying, updating, and creating objects in a database. Topics include basic data retrieval statements, filtering, sorting, and manipulating data, and basic reporting statements for output processing. Labs will be set up for the students to get hands-on experience in each of the topics presented.
4.000 Credit hours
20.000 TO 24.000 Lecture hours
40.000 TO 48.000 Other hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Credit
Schedule Types: Lec/Lab, Lecture

Business,Technology and Trades Division
Computer Info Technology Department

Course Attributes:

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     
      Skills Development
May not be enrolled in one of the following Colleges:     
      College Now

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Release: 8.5.4