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Syllabus Information


Fall 2024
Jan 29,2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
NRS 234 - Pathophysiological Processes for Nursing 1
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe knowledge of selected pathophysiological processes, focusing on
- the risk factors related to specific pathophysiological processes
- selected pathophysiological processes
- how the signs and symptoms relate to specific pathophysiological processes
- potential complications for specific pathophysiological processes
- how life span factors relate to pathophysiological processes
2. Identify appropriate medical and surgical interventions and pertinent laboratory values and diagnostic tests specific to select pathophysiological processes
3. Summarize current, appropriate, evidence-based information about selected pathophysiological processes, including:
- signs and symptoms
- clinical manifestations
- life span considerations pertinent social determinants of health
4. Communicate pertinent information regarding client care and select pathophysiological processes, including:
- Technical language
- Technical details of pathophysiological processes
- Basic information about a client’s status
- Signs and symptoms experienced by the client
- Lab values and diagnostic test results
5. Identify appropriate communication skills to disseminate information effectively with clients, families, and health professionals regarding selected pathophysiological processes, focusing on:
- Technical language
- Technical details of pathophysiological processes
- Signs and symptoms experienced by the client
- Basic information about a client’s status
- Lab values and diagnostic test results
6. Identify current, appropriate, evidence-based resources for information on selected pathophysiological processes, including:
- lab values and diagnostic test results
- clinical manifestations
- life span considerations pertinent social determinants of health medical and surgical interventions

Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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Release: 8.5.4