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Syllabus Information


Spring 2024
Jun 01,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ENGR 221 - Electrical Fundamentals 1
Associated Term: Spring 2024
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand and apply the current-voltage relationships (Ohm’s Law) of resistors
2. Understand, model and analyze the current-voltage relationships for nonlinear circuit elements such as diodes
3. Understand and analyze independent and dependent current and voltage sources in dc circuits
4. Understand and apply the concept of power to various circuit elements
5. Understand and apply Kirchoff’s laws
6. Understand and apply series and parallel resistor connections to simplify circuits and identify when circuits cannot be simplified
7. Understand and apply the concepts of voltage and current division
8. Understand and apply Wye-Delta transformations to simplify circuits
9. Understand and apply mesh analysis and nodal analysis for resistive circuits
10. Understand and apply Superposition principle to simplify circuits
11. Understand and apply Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems to simplify circuits
12. Understand and apply load line analysis to solve linear and nonlinear circuits
13. Analyze non-ideal op-amp circuits
14. Understand and analyze circuits involving op-amps including inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, summation circuits and more
15. Understand and apply the current-voltage relationships of capacitors
16. Understand and apply the current-voltage relationships of inductors
17. Analyze first and second-order circuits, which contain resistors, capacitors, or inductors
Skills (Problem solving, Design, Experiment and other ABET related skills):
18. Apply scientific and engineering principles to solve problems: Apply linear algebra to solve problems involving linear circuit elements; Apply differential equations to solve problems involving resistors, capacitors and inductors; Design and analyze circuits to solve practical problems and interface with other systems; Identify assumptions in solutions
19. Design and conduct experiments: Use available equipment to design experiment; Develop measurement model for experiment; Analyze and interpret data;
20. Design system, component or process to meet desired needs: Identify problem, Collect info and data, Experimental design, Solution development, Implement solution, Document solution, Provide feedback and improvement
21. Function on teams: Ideally multidisciplinary (although limited by course constraints)
22. Understand and demonstrate ethical behavior
23. Understand impact of engineering solutions in global and societal contexts
24. Engage in life-long learning
25. Gain experience in building and troubleshooting circuits using standard testing equipment
26. Use modern engineering tools: Learn the basics of PSPICE, a software tool for analyzing circuits including linear and nonlinear elements and time independent and time dependent behavior; Use software packages such as Excel and Matlab to analyze data and solve problems
27. Consider multiple methods of analysis to arrive at a solution
28. Evaluate special and extreme cases
29. Use solutions to make predictions
30. Check solutions based on graphs, units, physical constraints, conservation laws, limiting behavior and reasonable fit to the question
31. Use multiple representations to determine solutions
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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