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Syllabus Information


Winter 2024
Feb 12,2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
PTA 132L - Applied Kinesiology 1 Lab
Associated Term: Winter 2024
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and demonstrate basic types of joints and joint movement of the lower extremity
2. Describe and demonstrate biomechanical principles of force and center of gravity as related to human movement
3. Demonstrate clinical observation skills of the lower extremity and describe human motion using proper terminology
4. Perform data collection including observation, anthropometric measurements, goniometry and manual muscle testing of the lower extremity
5. Demonstrate manual muscle testing and muscle length testing procedures for the lower extremity
6. Demonstrate different types of muscle contractions and movements of the lower extremity including their relevance to clinical setting
7. Demonstrate understanding of arthrokinematic principles for the lower extremity
8. Apply laws of motion and simple machines to human motion
9. Identify the structures, motions and functions of the lower extremity
10. Design and demonstrate exercise application for muscles of the lower extremity
11. Demonstrate use of PNF for soft tissue ROM and strengthening for the lower extremity
12. Identify and instruct components of normal gait cycle
13. Describe major gait deviations and pathologies causing those deviations
14. Demonstrate workplace behavior in the laboratory setting
15. Demonstrate clinical rationale and proper documentation of procedures performed on the lower extremity
16. Communicate an understanding of the plan of care developed by the physical therapist to achieve short and long term goals and intended outcomes of the lower extremity
17. Collaborate with peers for a movement analysis project involving a video, written report, and classroom presentation involving the lower extremity
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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