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Syllabus Information


Spring 2023
Mar 11,2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
HORT 120 - Gardening and Sustainable Food Systems
Associated Term: Spring 2023
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the basic parts of a plant, general characteristics of different families of edible plants, and describe the relationship between the plant and the soil (Lab participation, quizzes, written products)
2. Evaluate sustainable agriculture practices to maximize production while balancing improving soil health, managing pests, and water conservation (Lab participation, quizzes, written products)
3. Relate basics of applied ecology in biological and elemental systems to the process of growing food (Lab participation, class discussion, written products)
4. Apply principles of horticulture towards growing edible plants, saving their seeds, and building personal/regional food security (lab participation, journaling, written products)
5. Evaluate the role of biodiversity in edible plants, particularly related to climate resilience, indigenous foods, and ecosystem services (written products, journaling, class discussion)
6. Evaluate the importance of plant-human relationships in context to sustainable food systems, food sovereignty, and impacts of industrial agriculture on human rights and environmental health (quizzes, written products, journaling, class discussion)
7. Develop personal relationships with the land by creating a plan and taking action to make sustainable change through food production (written reflection, class discussion, journaling, final project)
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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