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Syllabus Information


Winter 2021
May 07,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
PS 101 - Modern World Governments
Associated Term: Winter 2021
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course students will be able to… 1) Identify the diversity of historical experiences, types of governmental arrangements, political cultures, and economic systems in the world, thereby also developing a better understanding of one’s own political system and culture and the role and position of the United States globally. 2) Define much of the basic terminology used in comparative politics and political science more broadly. 3) Demonstrate critical thinking skills in comparative politics through an examination of various institutional arrangements, political cultures, economies, and specific policy debates. 4) Describe the various types of legislative, executive, judicial and electoral institutional arrangements in the world, explain how they function, and analyze the political consequences of specific institutional arrangements. 5) Explain the political cultures of the countries examined, comprehend the diversity political cultures globally, and how political culture impacts institutional arrangements. 6) Link the history of the countries we examine to contemporary institutions, cultures, and economies. 7) Comprehend the basics of political economy and development theory and experiences. 8) Explain specific issues and debates for each country examined in the class (Examples: Race issues in France, Why Communism failed in the U.S.S.R., and Iran’s nuclear program).
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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