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BI 232 - Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 |
Associated Term:
Fall 2018
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Develop a vocabulary of appropriate terminology to effectively communicate information related to anatomy and physiology. 2. Recognize the anatomical structures and explain the physiological functions of the nervous, cardiovascular, hematological, lymphatic and immune systems 3. Recognize and explain the principle of homeostasis and the use of feedback loops to control physiological systems in the human body. 4. Utilize anatomical knowledge to predict physiological consequences, and apply knowledge of function to predict the features of anatomical structures. 5. Demonstrate laboratory procedures used to examine anatomical structures and evaluate physiological functions of the organ system covered including nervous, special senses, cardiovascular and hematological systems. 6. Utilize microscopes and/or other appropriate technology to identify structures and histology of the organ systems studied in BI232 7. Interpret anatomical and physiological data and graphs regarding hematology, cardiac cycles, EKGs and blood pressure hemodynamics. Conduct and interpret EKG recordings 8. Recognize and explain the interrelationships within and between anatomical and physiological systems of the human body. 9. Approach and examine issues related to the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems from an evidence-based perspective 10. Synthesize ideas to make a connection between knowledge of cell biology, chemistry and anatomy and physiology and real-world situations, including healthy lifestyle decisions and homeostatic imbalances Required Materials: Technical Requirements: |
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