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FR 201 - Second-Year French |
Associated Term:
Fall 2018
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Speak in the present tense using regular and irregular verbs 2. Get information by asking “yes/no” questions (Est-ce que) and interrogative expressions (eg. Combien de, pourquoi, quand, comment, quel, lequel, etc.) 3. Describe what people do for themselves and with others using reflexive and reciprocal verbs 4. Describe people, places and things using descriptive adjectives 5. Describe how and when things are done using adverbs 6. Speak about and narrate in the past using the passé compose and the imparfait 7. Gain a deeper understanding of Francophone cultures Required Materials: Technical Requirements: |
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