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Syllabus Information


Fall 2018
Jan 06,2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
COMM 105 - Listening and Critical Thinking
Associated Term: Fall 2018
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify how listening as a vital element in the communication process 
2. Describe the separate phases or stages of the listening process 
3. Evaluate their own listening behaviors 
4. Describe strategies useful for improving listening proficiency 
5. Demonstrate improved listening proficiency in a variety of communication settings 
6. Demonstrate ability to recall messages and follow oral directions 
7. Demonstrate ability to listen through accents, emotional content, and noise 
​8. Demonstrate ability to organize, summarize, and paraphrase messages 
9. Demonstrate critical thinking skills for evaluating the importance and logic of messages
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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Release: 8.5.4