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Syllabus Information


Fall 2018
Jan 06,2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
GS 104 - Physical Science
Associated Term: Fall 2018
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Gain familiarity with a wide variety of physical phenomena involving mechanical motion, thermodynamics and electricity and magnetism, and the means by which they are described and explained. 2. Correctly use elementary physics concepts regarding the above phenomena in some simple situations, and gain a significantly increased basic conceptual understanding of these phenomena. 3. Converse and comprehend through communication using elementary descriptions and dynamical laws of the above phenomena and elementary diagrammatic (e.g. free body diagrams) and motion graph representations. 4. Have familiarity with, the use of, and an elementary understanding of precision in measurement, drawing conclusions from experimental data about possible explanations of simple mechanical motion, thermodynamic properties such as specific heat and phase changes, and electrical phenomena such as simple circuits. 5. Have familiarity with the use of scientific equipment to investigate these phenomena. 6. Formulate questions to move their thinking forward concerning the subject matter of the class. 7. Be familiar with elementary application of basic concepts, including Newton’s Laws, Work and the Work-Energy Relation, Conservation of Energy, Thermodynamic Laws, Coulombs Law, Voltage and electromagnetic induction. 8. Be aware of possible uses and impacts of this physics knowledge. 9. Converse and write about the nature of science with increased sophistication and see physics as a science, rather than a body of knowledge. 10. Appreciate that the insights provided by classical physics are valuable and useful even though physics has developed beyond these understandings, and continues to develop providing new insights. 11. Have a greater appreciation that energy and technology have profound implications for humanity, which involve choices by society generally and scientists as well.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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