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Syllabus Information


Winter 2018
May 14,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
PTA 205 - PT Interventions - Complex Medical Dysfunctions
Associated Term: Winter 2018
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1) Define selected disorders that are influenced by multiple and/or complex body system dysfunction (e.g., lymphedema, limb loss, circulatory disorders/heart failure, integument disorders/burns, immunocompromised (cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis), dementia/Alzheimer’s, and PTSD). 2) Discuss clinical examples of the selected disorders and support the discussion with relevant evidence (Lesson discussion forum) 3) Demonstrate and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system 4) Describe normal tissue healing processes 5) Describe physiological causes of functional losses in selected complex medical conditions 6) Describe causes for spreading and/or preventing selected medical disorders and diseases 7) Describe the purpose and considerations for specialized interventions for complex medical conditions, including: 8) lymphedema management, 9) prosthetic and gait training 10) therapeutic exercises 11) skin care 13). conditioning/reconditioning 14) positioning g. infection control h. physical agents 8) Describe methods to assess and monitor response to exercise in complex medical conditions 9) Describe indications to modify exercises to optimize safety and functional recovery in complex medical conditions 10) Predict and select appropriate interventions, tests and measures, and communication with the supervising PT in simulated complex medical cases 11) Describe clock method for wound measurement 12) Describe the types of tissues and types of drainage associated with wounds 13) Demonstrate an understanding of specialized equipment that protect patient safety and facilitate functional recovery following (e.g, prostheses, assistive devices and equipment, positive and negative pressure rooms, personal alarms, specialized dressing/dressing changes) 14) Describe how to recognize and confront patients who may present with substance abuse issues 15) Identify strategies to communicate effectively with patients with compromised mental/memory status 16) Reinforce patient education strategies to optimize engagement and adherence within the PT plan of care
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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