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Syllabus Information


Winter 2017
May 18,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ART 216 - Digital Design Tools
Associated Term: Winter 2017
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe differences between and uses for core software used in graphic design 2. Explain the basics of computer technology and identify key terminology 3. Demonstrate a functional knowledge of commands/palettes for page layout software 4. Demonstrate mastery of fundamental layout, importing, and text manipulation functions for page layout software 5. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of commands/menus/palettes/functions for vector-based software (including stroke, fill, Bezier curve, text) 6. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of commands/menus/palettes/functions for vector-based software 7. Demonstrate ability to import files produced in bitmap, word processing, and vector software into page layout software 8. Create a minimum of the following: two print pieces using page layout software, one multi-layer image using bitmap software, one finished work using vector software 9. Explain the use and importance of document sharing software
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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