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Syllabus Information


Fall 2016
May 03,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
DH 113 - Dental Anatomy and Histology
Associated Term: Fall 2016
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Define and recognize epithelium arrangement and connective tissue. 2. Define the function of the four layers of epithelium and discuss their locations. 3. Describe the development and components of enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum. 4. Define the periodontal ligament, listing all fibers. 5. Identify the embryonic structures, their origins and future oral facial structures. 6. Describe the process of embryonic development of oral facial structures. 7. Identify the brachial arches of embryonic development and their corresponding future structures. 8. Explain the growth periods of the teeth. 9. State accurate eruption dates of all teeth. 10. Identify the different types, functions, and anatomic parts of each tooth. 11. Identify the points, angles and planes of individual teeth and their relationship to occlusion. 12. Identify all teeth by using the universal numbering system. 13. Duplicate important anatomy of all individual permanent teeth.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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