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Syllabus Information


Spring 2016
Sep 20,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
WR 115 - Introduction to College Writing
Associated Term: Spring 2016
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Engage in and value a respectful and free exchange of ideas. 2. Think, read, and write critically: a. Use reading and writing for college-level inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating; b. Balance openness to the ideas of others with a healthy skepticism and questioning attitude; c. Objectively summarize source material; d. Identify the thesis/purpose, sub-points, and means of support; e. Recognize how other writers and speakers adapt language for audience, situation, and purpose. 3. Assess and meet different writing situations: a. Recognize and use academic writing strategies appropriate to specific audiences and purposes; b. Select appropriate methods for developing ideas in paragraphs and essays, such as analysis, facts, explanations, examples, descriptions, quotations, and/or narratives; c. Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality. 4. Develop essays through a flexible writing process that proceeds through discovering ideas, planning, drafting, revising, and editing: a. Base each essay on a clearly stated or understood controlling idea or thesis; b. Write a well-focused and logically organized essay, one having an introduction, discussion, and conclusion in which the relationship of ideas to one another is clear; c. Weave a relevant quotation from source material into an essay; d. Support sub-points with examples and specifics; e. Work effectively with other writers to evaluate and revise essays constructively; f. Identify strengths and address weaknesses of one's own and others' work. 5. Observe most of the conventions of Edited Standard Written English (ESWE) and make effective stylistic choices as a writer: a. Express ideas carefully and coherently so that errors and problems of style do not obscure or detract from the writer's meaning; b. Demonstrate basic competence with the standards of grammar, usage, and mechanics that is compatible with success in WR 121; c. Use MLA quoting conventions.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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