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Syllabus Information


Winter 2016
Jun 08,2024
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Syllabus Information
PTA 104 - PT Interventions-Orthopedic Dysfunctions
Associated Term: Winter 2016
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Define types of arthritis and functional impairments associated with the diagnosis 2. Describe the importance of joint protection in long-term management of osteoarthritis 3. Define osteporosis and functional impairments associated with the diagnosis 4. Describe the importance of PT interventions for long-term management of osteoporosis 5. Select interventions of IADL training for a client with osteoporosis. 6. Describe and select interventions for injury management and prevention in for the patient with a skeletal disorder. 7. Explain the physiologic effects of post-traumatic immobilization 8. Describe the rationale of modified weight bearing status during post-fracture and post-operative healing. 9. Describe indications and rationale for bracing and taping in the population with orthopedic dysfunction. 10. Define and describe spinal pathologies and functional impairments associated with the diagnoses 11. Identify the stages of tissue healing, rehabilitation, and functional expectations for spinal rehabilitation 12. Identify and define related pathology of the intervertebral disk and facet joints 13. Summarize common impairment findings with intervertebral disk and facet joint pathology 14. Describe the indications, contraindications, precautions and procedures for applying cervical and lumbar traction. 15. Describe the rationale, procedure, and expected outcome of spinal ROM and spinal stabilization exercises. 16. Describe progressive limb loading and protective support examples for cervical and thoracic stabilization activities. 17. Describe management of external fixators 18. Define the general purpose of back schools in spinal pain prevention and management. 19. Describe procedures for gait training for post-fracture and post-orthopedic surgical intervention. 20. Demonstrate a basic understanding of gait mechanics and effect on lower extremity kinetic chain 21. Compare and contrast indications for PROM to AAROM to AROM in post-operative scenarios 22. Compare and contrast hypomobility and stabilization in the extremities 23. Describe functional limitations of hypomobility 24. Discuss correct resistance and force direction for joint mobilizations indicated for lower extremity hypomobility 25. Describe adaptations in the musculoskeletal system as a consequence of repetitive motion 26. Match shoulder pathology/surgical procedure with preferred practice patterns as identified in the Guide To Physical Therapy Practice 27. Identify contraindication to stretching and joint mobilization for the glenohumeral joint 28. Describe several ways painful shoulder syndromes can be categorized 29. Describe compensatory movement patterns observed in patients with shoulder dysfunction. 30. Describe factors that influence the rehabilitation program for the recurrently unstable glenohumeral joint 31. Describe all phases of management of elbow and forearm hypomobility 32. Identify adaptive equipment options for ADL management with elbow and forearm hypomobility 33. Describe etiology, symptoms, impairments and disabilities commonly noted in repetitive trauma syndromes for the elbow and forearm 34. Describe patient position and procedures for self-stretching of the shoulder, elbow, and forearm 35. Identify common wrist and hand pathologies and associated impairments 36. Describe traumatic lesions of the wrist and hand 37. Recognize compensation patterns in lower extremity exercise performance 38. Identify common lower extremity pathologies and associated impairments 39. Describe traumatic lesions of the knee and ankle 40. Describe precautions, indications, contraindications, and post-operative protocols for a total joint replacement. 41. Describe adaptive equipment for ADLs common to the post-orthopedic population, including indications for use 42. Describe the rationale for continuous passive motion in total joint rehabilitation. 43. Provide examples of how differences in organizational culture (outpatient versus acute) influence implementation of the physical therapy plan of care. 44. Define domestic violence including risk factors and common symptoms of abuse 45. Develop a problem-solving algorithm for a patient-encounter where abuse is suspected 46. Understand the importance of recognizing and reporting abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exploitation of patients (child, adult, elder) 47. Describe the role of the PTA in reporting domestic violence 48. Discuss methods of effectively responding to a patient report of domestic abuse using a case scenario.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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