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Syllabus Information


Winter 2015
May 18,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
HI 111 - Selecting, Implementing, and Customizing Electronic Health Records Systems
Associated Term: Winter 2015
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Define the 5 underlying healthcare goals for meaningful use and the practical application of essential meaningful use criteria for electronic health record (EHR) implementation 2. Given a case study of a facility moving from a paper health record to an EHR, discuss the migration path from the initial strategic planning to post implementation evaluation and maintenance 3. Write and analyze an RFI/RFP using stated criteria 4. Compare, evaluate, and select Vendor EHR systems most appropriate to the organization and clinical setting using evaluative techniques and criteria developed 5. Discuss the importance and use of clinical decision support systems for clinical and administrative use 6. Understand data infrastructure including data architecture, data sets, data repositories, data standards, data types and data dictionaries 7. Given an EHR system, customize the system to achieve features required for meaningful use, including labs for: 8. Building of order sets 9. Creating data entry templates 10. Generating quality reports 11. Implementing clinical decision support 12. Compare the implementation of an EHR in a variety of health care settings.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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