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Syllabus Information


Winter 2015
May 19,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ES 250 - Class, Race and Gender in the US Economy
Associated Term: Winter 2015
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behavior: Use critical thinking skills to evaluate the persistence and impact of economic inequality and discrimination based upon class, race, and gender differences in the U.S.; Identify and apply standard and alternative economic analytical methods to evaluate discrimination, including, statistical analysis, economic modeling, historical analysis, survey analysis. 2. Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live: Develop a deeper understanding of one’s own class, race, and gender identity; Develop a deeper understanding of self, group, and social identity; Develop a deeper understanding of the personal, social, institutional, and structural nature of discrimination; Gain tolerance and respect for one’s own and others’ identities and experiences. 3. Understand the role of individuals and institutions within the context of society: Presents the neoclassical analysis of individual behavior within the context of the market generating socially equitable benefits. Presents the political economy analysis of individual and social behavior operating within a social and institutional context of cooperation, power, and competition. 4. Assess different theories and concepts, and understand the distinctions between empirical and other methods of inquiry: Applies and compares standard and alternative economic analytical methods to evaluate discrimination, including, statistical analysis, economic modeling, historical analysis, audit survey analysis. Compares and contrasts neoclassical and political economy theories, methods, and explanations of inequality and discrimination. 5. Utilize appropriate information literacy skills in written and oral communication. Formulate a problem statement; Determine the nature and extent of the information needed to address the problem; Access relevant information effectively and efficiently; Evaluate information and its source critically; and understand many of the economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of information: Identify and apply standard and alternative economic analytical methods to evaluate discrimination, including, statistical analysis, economic modeling, historical analysis, audit survey analysis. 6. Understand the diversity of human experience and thought, individually and collectively: Presents contrasting perspectives and experiences of individuals and social groups of class, race, and gender in the U.S. 7. Apply knowledge and skills to contemporary problems and issues: Addresses issues of contemporary inequality, difference, discrimination, identity, participation, integration, assimilation, power, equity, and social and economic organization.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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