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Syllabus Information


Spring 2021
May 19,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ENG 261 - Science Fiction
Associated Term: Spring 2021
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Articulate the major historical periods from Mary Shelley to the present 2. Use reading protocols unique to the field to enhance comprehension of texts. 3. Define major critical terms in the field, including but not limited to: extrapolation, estrangement, subjectivity, novum. 4. Know the major authors in the field. 5. Read and identify classic themes and iconography of the field. 6. Understand and be able to write about the concepts of megatext, gender and metaphone. 7. Analyze short fiction for social satire and commentary. 8. Appreciate the place of speculative fiction in the academic literature curriculum. 9. Distinguish between the literature of science fiction and trade pulp. 10. Understand the various connections between speculative fiction and the development of technology, computers, and life sciences. 11. Understand the process of adaptation of a speculative fiction text to a film. 12. Distinguish between connotation and denotation and demonstrate how the connotative language helps shape major points of literary text (poem, story, play). 13. Demonstrate ability to use interpretive frameworks to investigate contextual meanings of literature. 14. Know how to do deep reading using specific protocols. 15. Keep a reading and screening Journal in a lifelong learning tool 16. Do literary analysis. 17. Use both formal and informal writing to learn about literature. 18. Become an informed reader of a specialized genre by applying critical language unique to the field. 19. Write a critique 20. Have an intelligent conversation about a text in a small group setting. 21. Write a literature research paper synthesizing multiple sources. 22. Analyze, evaluate and critique the adaptation of text to film. 23. Collaborate successfully on a complex academic project involving multi-media. 24. Write an evaluative review using academic terms.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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