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Syllabus Information


Fall 2020
Jun 12,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
PTA 101 - Introduction to Clinical Practice 1
Associated Term: Fall 2020
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Identify the role of the PTA in the provision of physical therapy interventions included in this course. 2. Develop an identity as an SPTA through timely and collaborative communication and problem-solving with student colleagues and instructors throughout course discussions and electronic communications. 3. Apply problem-solving algorithms and classification models (i.e., International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health) to develop clinical reasoning for selecting, modifying, and discontinuing PT interventions included in this course. 4. Identify activities and behaviors that demonstrate respect for the patient (e.g., informed consent and right to refuse, draping, examination of possible social and cultural biases and differences, etc.) 5. Recognize situations that require additional information, direction, or supervision from the physical therapist for PT interventions and case simulations included in this course. 6. Define evidence-based practice and principles as it is used in physical therapy 7. Identify and integrate appropriate evidence based resources to support clinical decision-making and discussions throughout the course 8. Define principles of motor learning theory that are used during patient encounters to optimize movement and prevent injury. 9. Describe soft tissue disorders in terms of pathological mechanisms, epidemiology, common diagnostic procedures, management, and rehabilitation 10. Describe soft tissue healing stages and their influence on selecting and applying interventions included in this course. 11. Describe theory, therapeutic benefits/outcomes, and application (precautions, contraindications, and procedures) of interventions used to promote healing, functional recovery, and pain management in this course: a. body mechanics training/proper lifting techniques; b. positioning; c. basic wheelchair mobility and transport; d. transfers; e. superficial and deep thermal agents; f. cryotherapy; g. electrotherapeutic agents; h. compression therapies; i. hydrotherapy; j. light; k. soft tissue mobilization; l. passive range of motion 12. Demonstrate competence in collecting and interpreting data obtained during a physical therapy patient encounter, specifically: a. Relevant subjective information provided by the patient ndependently or with prompts; b. Vital signs (HR, RR, BP, O2 saturation, pain, temperature); i. Standardized pain assessments; c. Skin condition – (e.g. color, capillary refill, swelling); d. Movement strategies – body mechanics (lifting, carrying, bending, standing); e. Anthropometric measures related to wheelchair fitting; f. Assistance provided during a patient transfer or movement activity (e.g., physical, equipment, cuing); i. Level of assistance; functional independence measures (FIM); g. Light touch sensation integrity prior to administering biophysical agents 13. Describe objective data that should be included in documentation of PTA-patient encounters for interventions included in this course (e.g., parameters, position, location/body region, time, intensity, sets/repetitions, equipment, etc.). 14. Use proper medical format when documenting simulated patient encounters included in the course
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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