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Syllabus Information


Spring 2019
Jun 01,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
SPAN 202 - Spanish, Second-Year
Associated Term: Spring 2019
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Learn and comprehend the topics and themes of the course through the target language (Spanish) itself. 2. Recognize cues in the language and extrapolate meaning from them and the context in which they are encountered, rather than relying on looking up words in a bilingual dictionary or requesting a translation. 3. Practice the interrelatedness of culture and language. 4. Apply learning strategies, goals, and skills of organization appropriate to second language acquisition. 5. Hear and read authentic intermediate levels of the language with understanding. 6. Speak and write the language so that it is intelligible to a sympathetic native speaker unaccustomed to dealing with non-Spanish speakers. 7. Demonstrate an increased knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures. 8. Demonstrate through both oral and written expression in Spanish the ability to: a. Express, summarize and explain ideas based on content of appropriate level texts (written, video, audio.), b. Translate communications using the vocabulary and content of this three-term course sequence from English into Spanish and vice-versa, c. Explore and apply the notion of “false cognates”, d. Manipulate the Spanish prepositions por and para in order to communicate the English concepts of for, through, by, to and from, e. Express in the present doubt, denial, and belief, f. Express both the uncertain and indefinite and the certain and definite, g. Express will and emotion, h. Give advice and suggestions, i. Give and receive orders and instructions, j. Describe and narrate future actions, events, conditions, using both the indicative and subjunctive modes, k. Make comparisons of equality and inequality, l. Use negative and positive expressions, m. Introduce contradictions and qualifications, n. Self correct and practice error management by utilizing: c. Spanish class techniques and Learning Strategies in oral situations, Arden Woods CorrectAid in written expression.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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