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Syllabus Information


Winter 2015
Nov 10,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ES 244 - Native American Story Telling
Associated Term: Winter 2015
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behavior: Emphasize elements of critical thinking. 2. Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live: 3. Have as their central focus the study of the unequal distribution of power within the framework of particular disciplines and course content. Take this central focus and tie it back to their personal lives. 4. Understand the role of individuals and institutions within the context of society: This ethnic studies course uses storytelling to allow students to constantly find themselves and their stories within the context of the society in which we are exploring. By inserting themselves into the narrative, they can greater understand and critically analyze the relationship between the individual and societal institutions. 5. Assess different theories and concepts, and understand the distinctions between empirical and other methods of inquiry: Provide illustrations of ways in which the interactions of social categories, such as race, ethnicity, social class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and age are related to difference, power, and discrimination. 6. Utilize appropriate information literacy skills in written and oral communication: The webpage of Ethnic Studies appears on all course syllabi. Students are encouraged to use the webpage as a foundation to explore the complexities of the discipline. Students are also assigned class exercises that require them to explore web-based materials. Lastly, students are offered extra credit for exploring all forms of media resources for material related to this course. 7. Understand the diversity of human experience and thought, individually and collectively: This Ethnic Studies course engages in the critical analysis of why people (all people of all sub-groups within society) act the way that they do, both as individuals and within the context of social groups and institutions. Within the focus of this particular course: the Native American population. 8. Apply knowledge and skills to contemporary problems and issues: Although the primary focus of this course is within a historical context, the course still engages in a free flowing comparison between historical and contemporary society. Context in understanding contemporary social phenomenon does not exist without a historical analysis.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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