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Syllabus Information


Winter 2014
Sep 20,2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
BA 223 - Marketing
Associated Term: Winter 2014
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Describe the evolution of marketing in the American economy 2. Define “value” and explain marketing’s role in creating value for customers 3. Understand the marketing process to include: 4. Citing the effects that society, economics, government, and technology have on marketing 5. Explain qualitative and quantitative market research methods 6. Compare and contrast consumer and organizational markets 7. Describe the consumer decision making process and the major factors influencing consumer buying behavior 8. Define the purpose and benefits of segmentation and targeting and describing the major approaches to doing so 9. Explain the concept of positioning and assessing various positioning strategies 10. Describe the new product development process 11. Evaluate product line planning strategies 12. Explain the stages of the product life cycle 13. Describe the process of developing brand loyalty 14. Compare and contrast the marketing of services and the marketing of goods 15. Describe the role of distribution and explaining the importance of supply chain management 16. List examples of major issues that marketers must consider when managing and developing international distribution channels 17. Explain the importance of integrated marketing communications 18. Assess the roles of the methods of communication 19. List the different types of advertising and describing which method is best given certain situations 20. Illustrate the relationship between price, value, and quality 21. Differentiate the factors that affect pricing policy 22. Recognize how the major elements of the marketing process apply to actual marketing situations 23. State ways in which ethics can be integrated into the marketing process 24. Understand the importance of relationship marketing 25. Evaluate key trends in the global environment 26. Understand the impact of technology on marketing, including: Web pages for intermediate and end clients; Blogs and other internet media tools for public relations; Pop-ups, Phishing, and other techniques, along with positive and negative potential impacts; The ability to monitor customers and database information on customers behaviors; Understand viral marketing, buzz and the ethical considerations of its use.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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